For years, Ad de Jongh, Ph.D. and Suzy Matthijssen, Ph.D. have been researching methods to enhance trauma treatments. Enhancing Trauma Treatment, based on the title of Suzy's dissertation, is an initiative of both to provide therapists with the latest knowledge in the field of trauma treatments. Various workshops and webinars can be found on the website and new courses will be added regularly.


English courses 

Case Conceptualization Workshop




New dates to follow soon



More information click here


€ 210,00

  • Full

VOD Webinar: Virtual and online trauma treatment



English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here


€ 39,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar: EMDR for Depression




English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here


€ 39,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar: EMDR therapy for survivors of sexual abuse



English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here


€ 39,00

VOD Workshop EMDR 2.0 (English)



English version Video on Demand

Duration: 3.5 hrs


More information click here


€ 125,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar: Theoretical misunderstandings and new insights in treating dissociative symptoms and DID



English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here


€ 39,00

  • Available

Online training & practicum



How to set up your own (C)PTSD treatment and how to enhance the treatment.


Duration: 20hrs in total:

- 9 lectures via VOD

- 4 live online practicums 


Live practicum dates (2hrs per session):

- Group K: May 6; May 13 ; Jun 17; Jun 24 2024 

Group L: Nov 18; Nov 25; Dec 09; Dec 16 2024 


More information click here



€ 895,00*

* Course can be purchased at ETT Institute only 

VOD Webinar: Case conceptualization and target selection for EMDR treatments


English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here 


€ 39,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar: EMDR for specific phobias


English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here


€ 39,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar: EMDR for panic disorder and OCD


English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here


€ 39,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar: EMD bomb and Flash 1.0


English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here


€ 39,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar: CPTSD and cognitive interweaves


English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here


€ 39,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar: Flashforward and Mental Video Check


English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here


€ 39,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar: Online EMDR 2.0 (ENGLISH)


English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs


More information click here


€ 39,00

  • Available

Dutch courses / Nederlandse cursussen

1 Daagse workshop: Flash 2.0


21.06.2024    ONLINE

16.11.2024    ONLINE



Voor meer informatie klik hier


€ 210,00

  • Available

1 Daagse workshop: EMDR 2.0 15.11.2024 online



15.11.2024   ONLINE



Voor meer informatie klik hier 


€ 285,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar Flash 2.0 (DUTCH)



Nederlandse versie. Video on Demand

Duur: 2 uur



Voor meer informatie klik hier

€ 39,00

  • Available

VOD Webinar: Online EMDR (DUTCH)



Nederlandse versie. Video On Demand

Duur: 2 uur



Voor meer informatie klik hier


€ 39,00

  • Available