VOD Webinar: CPTSD and cognitive interweaves

Watch the recording (VOD) of the webinar.


Complex PTSD - The use of targeted cognitive interweaves


In this new webinar of Suzy Matthijssen and Ad de Jongh they first provide an overview of the current state of evidence regarding the effective, evidence-based treatment of patients with Complex PTSD. The second part of the webinar will be devoted to powerful EMDR 2.0 approaches to deal with cognitive distortions of patients that pertain to guilt, self-hatred and self-esteem. Participants will be taught a fixed set of effective, targeted cognitive interweaves specifically aimed at treating patients who suffered from (long-term) sexual or physical abuse in early childhood. The use of the interweaves  will be illustrated by means of a variety of short video clips.


The webinar is intended for therapists who have completed the EMDR Basic Training. 




Delivery: English version Video on Demand

Duration: 2 hrs







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